Support Acknowledgement

To CAHA grantees awarded project funds, please use the following written acknowledgement and also the logo when possible when promoting your project whether it be printed, spoken, broadcast or otherwise presented.

The logo material for the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities is the property of the Agency and the Government of Guam. The logos provided here are for the use of individuals or organizations that have been awarded grants that require logos and acknowledgments. Any other use of these logos or acknowledgements are prohibited unless agency approval is provided in writing.




CAHA Logos - Click to Open/Download.


CAHA - Black and White logo

File Size: (78.2kb)
File Type: PDF


CAHA - Colored Logo

File Size: (78.8kb)
File Type: PDF




Copy statement's textAcknowledgement should state:

This project (or description of project, i.e. mural, performance, book) is supported through a grant from the Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities Agency, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Government of Guam, and the Office of the Governor.

For any questions or to request use of the CAHA logo, please contact the agency at [email protected].